The “Original” RED pail.  These adhesives provide exceptional bonding strength with fast gel and fast cure times.  The premier polyester adhesive since 1997.

Superior Polyester adhesives provide exceptional bonding strength with fast gel and cure times allowing you to start polishing quicker. This allows fabricators the opportunity to complete more jobs in less time which results in more profit.

Superior Polyester adhesives are the premier polyester adhesives available to the stone industry. For use with marble, travertine, limestone, sandstone, cement, porous granite and more! Providing the strongest “mechanical” bond, Superior Polyester Adhesives are the preferred adhesives for seaming and laminating natural stone.

The original “RED” pail!

Be sure it’s the ORIGINAL.  Be sure it says…SUPERIOR!


Flowing Consistency: Syrup
Knife Grade Consistency: Paste
Mix Ratio: 2% – 4% BPO
Gel Time: 3 – 5 minutes
Cure Time: 20 minutes
Shelf Life: 1 year
Location: Indoor
Use With: Natural & Engineered Porous Stone
Flowing Uses: Laminating, Rodding, Crack / Chip Repair
Knife Grade Uses: Seaming, Laminating Rodding, Crack / Chip Repair


Be sure to TEST each substrate for bonding and appearance prior to the actual application.

Use: To achieve the best results, the contact surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Before adding the hardener, the resin may be tinted with Superior Coloring Paste to match the color of the stone. The resin is then thoroughly mixed with 2%-4% of the white paste hardener (BPO) by weight. At a temperature of 70°F (21°C), the mixture stays workable for 4-6 minutes. Higher temperatures shorten the working time and lower temperatures extend the working time. After 20-30 minutes, the adhesive is fully cured and work can continue with the stone. For indoor use only. Do NOT store above 75°F (24°C)

Storage: Store indoors at room temperature. Do NOT store above 75°F (24°C). High heat and cold temperatures will adversely affect the shelf life. Avoid storage in direct sunlight and where freeze/thaw conditions may exist.

Superior Polyester Polyester Flowing Polyester Knife Grade
5-Gallon Pail
THE BIG BOX (Standard)

Superior Polyester is available in (2) viscosities…


Knife Grade

Not just better... superior-adhesives-logo-whi200

Our Company

Superior Stone Products has been built on a simple premise‐‐

Offer the best stone products in the world and back them up with world-class service and support. We are dedicated to serving the needs of today’s stone industry professionals by providing the best products. Everything we do is not just's SUPERIOR!
